Once upon a time, the Greek philosopher Aristotle on his work Organon suggested a system of logic based on only two types of propositions: true and false. Several hundreds year later George Boole gave symbolic form to Aristotle's system of logic by codifying relationships of mathematical quantities limited to one of two possible values: 1 or 0. Claude Shannon of MIT recognized how Boolean algebra could be applied to on-and-off circuits, where all signals are characterized as either "high" (1) or "low" (0). Modern binary system, documented by Gottfried Leibniz in the 17th century uses 0 and 1 to handle any problem decimal arithmetic could deal with. Computers were born.
Since then lots of water has run under the bridge, and now we are living in the Information Age. Internet and the technologies behind it, have transformed the way people have access to information, and this had a tremendous effect in every aspect of human life, from personal to professional and more(Stanford Inst. for the quantitative study of society). And the Blog service is one of those technologies that since have attribute to that (Du, H.S. & Wagner, C., 2006. Weblog success: Exploring the role of technology).
This blog is created as part of the coursework for the DITA module of my MSc course on Geographic Information Systems. I've chosen to use the http://www.blogger.com/ service to host it, due to being one of the few blog services I know that many people use, as well as because I find it an easy to use service in general. Is quite fast and gives you powerful tools that allow you to create/edit/admin and modify the contents of your blog in many levels: a novice user would be able to alter/modify the blog's contents as to achieve a more professional or personal look and feel, and the web developer could add additional functionality with client scripts that enhancing the overall functionality and impression of the blog. I'll let you to explore it with a hope that my entries will do justice to it.
This is an awesome post.Really very informative and creative contents. These concept is a good way to enhance the knowledge.I like it and help me to development very well.Thank you for this brief explanation and very nice information.
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